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Ethnic Rhinoplasty Offers Natural Results

Noses come in different shapes and sizes, but not all of them exhibit the ideal look that we desire. Some people wish to change their noses for aesthetic appeal – to smooth out a bump, trim the flare or accentuate the shape, but some have to modify their noses for functional reasons – to alleviate breathing difficulties, mend injuries caused by accidents, repair disease damage, or correct birth defects. Whatever their reasons be, advances in the medical field now make this easier than ever.

What is Rhinoplasty?

A Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job is a plastic surgery procedure designed to reconstruct noses. Based on the requirement and practical considerations, the features of a nose, nostrils, and bridge can all be corrected. It is a delicate procedure that requires the expertise of qualified professionals like plastic surgeons, ear, nose and throat specialists, or jaw, face and neck specialists.

The surgical techniques used to perform the surgery vary depending upon the type of reconstruction needed. There was a time when nose jobs were done to conform to conventional definitions of beauty based on Caucasian features. These traditional rhinoplasty procedures involved removing parts of the cartilage and bone from the nose for reduction in size.

The indiscriminate application of these standards lead to disasters because noses that suit one person may not look good on another person. For example, a dainty nose may look good on a small face, but it may look out of place when reconstructed on a broad face.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty for a More Natural Look

Perceptions of beauty have changed over the years and now, people have come to realize that there is no single ‘perfect’ nose. A good nose reconstruction is one that looks natural. It should suit the overall layout of the face.

Facial features vary vastly based on people’s ethnicities. The requirement for a different nose reconstruction approach for each of these groups lead to the development of a field called ethnic rhinoplasty. In addition to traditional rhinoplasty techniques, the ethnic approach includes specific rhinoplasty procedures necessary for people belonging to different ethnic groups.

One such practice is nose augmentation typically required by people of African-American, Hispanic, or Asian descent. The additional material needed for this can either come from the patient’s own ear or rib cartilage. Sometimes, artificial implants that mimic the characteristics of human cartilage may also be used.

Based on a patient’s ethnic background, ethnic rhinoplasty is divided into African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Caucasian categories. Each has their own distinct features demanding a specific skill set from the rhinoplasty practitioner. The variation is mainly noticed on two points:

  • Structure of the nose – For example, African-American, Hispanic, and Indian noses are generally flatter and broader. Middle Easterners tend to have large noses with bulbous tips.
  • Skin type –African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Middle Easterners have darker skin tones which tend to display scars more. These groups of people may also have thicker and more oily skin. These factors have to be catered to when developing a surgical plan for a patient with a specific ethnic background.

A qualified ethnic rhinoplasty practitioner who considers all these points while planning for a surgery will help accentuate the beauty of the patient’s nose and make it a (nose) job well done!

Contact Our Office

If you’re interested in learning more about ethnic rhinoplasty, don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Kenneth Hughes today!