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An Embarrassing Nose Stands Out

by | Apr 11, 2019

Your nose is a prominent facial feature that determines the overall look of your face. It can make or break the first impression you make when you meet a new person.  If the size and shape of your nose is unaligned with the rest of your features, it can give you a disproportionate look that can give you a negative opinion on your self-image.

If your nose is misshapen and causing you to feel insecure, rhinoplasty with Dr. Kenneth Hughes of Hughes Plastic Surgery can help. Whether you feel that your nose is too long, too broad, too wide, too short, or too pointy, a rhinoplasty surgery can get you a nose that better fits the proportions of your face.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job is a type of plastic surgery that alters the structure, shape, length, and width of the nose. It’s a popular procedure that people undergo for a variety of reasons. The top reasons for undergoing the surgery are the size, shape, and projection of one’s nose and even functionally problems such as breathing difficulties.

The nose can be divided into three parts. The upper portion of the nose is made out of bone and the lower portion of the nose is made of cartilage. A rhinoplasty is designed to modify the entire structure of the nose. Depending on the corrections that need to be made, your doctor may target the bone, cartilage, and skin in the nose region.

Before getting a nose job, it is important to find the right plastic surgeon who you are comfortable talking to about whether a rhinoplasty is the appropriate surgery for you. It is also important that you express to your doctor exactly what you want to achieve from your rhinoplasty.

Before the surgical process begins, your doctor will have to assess your facial features as a whole to carefully construct a plan to give you the look you desire. Your specific needs and goals will be taken into account as well. This process will help deliver the looking nose possible.

Rhinoplasty Can Help Treat The Following Nose Conditions

    • The size of the nose size in relation to your facial shape and balance
    • The width of the bridge of the nose
    • The adjustment of the position and size of the nostrils
    • The profile of the nose, if there are visible humps/bumps on the nose or noticeable depressions on the nasal bridge
    • The tip of the nose if it is drooping, hooked, upturned or enlarged or bulbous
    • If the nostrils that are wide, large, or upturned
    • The asymmetry of the nose


Steps Involved In the Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty can be performed either through an open or closed procedure. In a closed surgery, the incisions are made inside the nose. This method is less intensive as it does not require the nose to be fully opened.  Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs almost all of his rhinoplasties, both primary and revision rhinoplasties, with the closed approach.  The closed approach not only makes this a scarless procedure, but the approach results in preservation of blood supply to the nasal tip, reduced swelling, and less downtime.

In an open procedure, an incision is made across the columella, or the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This method allows the surgeon to see structures more easily and is better for beginner plastic surgeons, but this approach leads to more swelling and longer downtime. The skin that covers the cartilage and bones are gently raised, allowing the surgeon access to reshape the nose structure.

Once the underlying structure of the nose is changed to the desired shape, the nasal skin and the tissue are then re-draped and the incisions are closed.

To see before and after photos of Dr. Kenneth Hughes, please visit

Contact Our Office

Whether you’re suffering from aesthetic or functional nasal problems, rhinoplasty is a good option for anyone who wants to improve various aspects of their nose. If you’re interested in learning more about the procedure, contact Hughes Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today.

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