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With Fat Transfer to the Face, You Can Restore Your Youthful Appearance

by | Aug 18, 2017

They say that age is just a number. But if this is true, why do the signs of aging start to show on the face? Wrinkles, gauntness, and sallow skin are common aspects of the aging process that can be quite prominent. A youthful face is one that has smooth skin and a good amount of volume in the cheeks and temples.

Are you looking for a way to reverse the signs of facial aging? Facial fat injections are a non-surgical method of restoring youth to the face by re-injecting fat harvested from other regions of the patient’s body.

What Are Fat Injections?

Facial fat injections are classified as a soft-tissue filler. Fat is taken from a specific location on the patient, typically the abdomen or thighs. The extracted fat is purified and then injected into the forehead region, cheeks, areas near the jaw, and laugh lines. Anywhere that is lacking in facial volume or has wrinkles may be an excellent target, depending the recommendation of your surgeon.

The concept of fat injection to the face is not new; it has been around for a long time. However, it is experiencing a surge in popularity due to the growing number of celebrity patients who swear by it.

How Is It Done?

Liposuction is performed to extract fat cells from regions where there is excess fat. Successful fat extraction takes years of expertise, and only an experienced plastic surgeon can extract and re-inject live cells while minimizing damage to these cells.

Once the fat cells have been harvested, they are purified in a centrifuge in order to remove any excess liquids and dead and damaged fat cells.

The healthy donor cells are then injected into marked regions of the face through fine needles. Fat cells, on re-entering the body, attempt to create a blood supply network and integrate into the live tissues. Immediately after the fat is injected into the face, youthful roundness is restored.

Should You Choose Fat Injections?

The number of people choosing fat injections to the face is on the rise. Fat-injection procedures are minimally invasive and leave no noticeable marks on the face. Results look especially natural due to the use of fat, a completely natural filler substance, and those who see you will assume you are merely refreshed and well rested.

As compared to other fillers, fat transfer’s results are longer lasting and safer. There are no allergic reactions because the fat is harvested from the patient themselves.

You may be right for a facial fat transfer procedure if you have any of the following:

• Deep, moderate, or mild wrinkles and folds
• Visible loose skin
• Dark circles under your eyes
• Cheeks or temples that have lost their volume

Recovery from the Facial Fat Transfer

A full recovery from the facial fat transfer procedure takes around two weeks. There may be a slight degree of temporary swelling and puffiness. Throughout the healing period, gentle face care is necessary. In a few cases, a second sitting may be necessary depending on the amount of fat reabsorbed into the body.

Contact Our Office for a Consultation

With the help of well-respected board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Hughes, your signs of facial aging will be a thing of the past! Contact our office to arrange a consultation with Dr. Hughes so you can discuss your aesthetic goals.

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