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Los Angeles | Beverly Hills

Chemical Peel — Los Angeles Skin Rejuvenation

A chemical peel will help revitalize your skin and remove the imperfections that come with age. This procedure involves brushing chemicals onto the targeted area, affecting the skin on a cellular level.

As the chemical peel removes dead skin cells, it also encourages new cell growth. This layer of new skin cells has not yet been affected by age – it is smooth, beautiful, and free of imperfections. And the deeper the peel, the deeper the problems it can address.We offer several options for chemical peels, including:

  • The VI Peel
  • TCA peels
  • Phenol peels

If the idea of smooth, beautiful skin sounds like something you’d be interested in, don’t wait — contact our Los Angeles office today to arrange a chemical peel consultation. It’s important to speak with qualified board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Hughes before getting the peel procedure, so that you can go into it with all questions answered.