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Come to Us for Secondary Rhinoplasty

Secondary rhinoplasty is used to address cosmetic and/or functional nasal issues that are created or have become more severe as a result of a primary rhinoplasty procedure. These issues can be caused by an unexpected healing complication after rhinoplasty or by an incorrectly performed rhinoplasty surgery.

What to Do if You Have a Bad Nose Job

For starters, it is important to recognize that complete healing of the nose can take over a year after your primary rhinoplasty surgery. Once healing is complete, if you are unhappy with how your nose looks or are experiencing functional problems, secondary rhinoplasty can be considered.

Revision rhinoplasty is very complex, and in the cosmetic world, it may be one of the most difficult procedures that plastic surgeons perform. Each surgery leaves more scar tissue, which can affect the shape of the nose. Improperly performed rhinoplasty also weakens support and vascularity of the nasal structures.

It is quite difficult to say if nasal issues can be improved without first performing a close examination of the nose. A good place to start would be to meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation.

The Consultation

During a consultation, your plastic surgeon will examine your nose and take your medical history. Surgeons often require older operative records and medical records. It can be very helpful to bring pictures of how your nose looked before your previous operation.

Like with primary rhinoplasty, your desires, goals, and expectations need to be discussed with your surgeon appropriately so that they know exactly what you are looking to achieve. You will also be able to ask any questions that you may have so that you fully understand the operation and the recovery process.

Your Secondary Rhinoplasty Recovery Process

It is normal to experience a degree of swelling and bruising after a revision rhinoplasty, since the procedure can involve alteration of soft tissues, bone, and cartilage. Though the bruising fades within a comparatively short period of time, it can take longer for the swelling to come down.

Some patients notice a significant change in their swelling over the first few months after surgery. Even after the swelling appears to be gone, there will still be internal healing that occurs during the first year.

Sometimes, patients may notice nasal asymmetries after their surgery – in these cases, it may be because your body is healing in a way that is not organized and symmetrical. Happily, these differences slowly even out as the healing process is complete.

Scheduling Your Secondary Rhinoplasty Consultation

With the right application of advanced techniques by a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, a secondary procedure can be quite successful. A surgeon with a great deal of rhinoplasty experience is ideal for correct execution of complex revision surgery. They will be able to address the concerns of the patient.

To find the right plastic surgeon for your procedure, look no further than respected board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Hughes. Dr. Hughes has a great deal of technical skill and will be happy to help you get the nose you deserve without the complications you’re experiencing. Make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Hughes by contacting our office today.