Hughes Plastic Surgery encourages our patients and our community to practice safety and precaution for the long-term management of COVID-19 as recommended by the World Health Organization. This page aims to provide quick updated information, patient guidelines, and our practice’s commitment to providing the best possible protection while offering our services.
COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 varies in severity, with most cases being mild to moderate and not requiring special treatment. However, serious illness is more likely in older individuals or those with underlying health conditions.
To prevent transmission, it’s crucial to stay informed, maintain physical distance, wear masks, practice good hand hygiene, get vaccinated, and follow local guidance.
The virus can spread through respiratory particles when people cough, sneeze, speak, or breathe, emphasizing the importance of respiratory etiquette and self-isolation when feeling unwell.
covid-19 guidelines for patients
At Hughes Plastic Surgery, your well-being and safety are at the top of our priorities. In our commitment to providing the highest standard of care, we implement COVID-19 guidelines in compliance with the WHO, CDC, and the State of California recommendations.
We encourage our patients to familiarize themselves with these guidelines to ensure a safe space and experience for both the patients and staff members of our practice.
Screening for Symptoms
Patients should monitor their health in the days leading up to the appointment. If they experience any of the common COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, or body aches, they should contact the healthcare facility to reschedule their appointment.
Self-Isolation After Exposure
If a patient has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting test results, they should consider self-isolation and inform the healthcare facility to reschedule their appointment or explore the option of a virtual consultation.
Face Mask
Patients should bring and wear a mask or face covering that covers their nose and mouth when they enter the facility to help prevent the spread of respiratory droplets.
Hand Hygiene
Patients should practice good hand hygiene by washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before leaving their homes and using hand sanitizer upon entering the facility.
Arrival Time
Patients should arrive at their appointments on time but not excessively early to help minimize the time spent in waiting areas and reduce the risk of close contact with others.
Physical Distancing
Patients should maintain physical distance from other patients and staff while in the waiting area and other spaces. Follow any marked floor or seating indicators.
Limiting Accompanying Persons
Whenever possible, patients should come to their appointments alone or with only one accompanying person. Limiting accompanying guests helps reduce the number of people in the facility.
Follow Staff Instructions
Patients should adhere to any specific instructions or screening processes put in place by the clinic, such as temperature checks or additional health assessments.
Avoid Touching Surfaces
Patients should minimize contact with surfaces, such as door handles, elevator buttons, and shared items like magazines, within the healthcare facility.
Inform the Facility
Patients should promptly inform the healthcare facility if they develop COVID-19 symptoms or test positive for the virus within 14 days of their appointment to allow for contact tracing and preventive measures.
Virtual Consultations
Consider the option of a virtual consultation, if available, as a safer alternative to in-person visits, especially if patients are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
local resumption of elective surgery guidance
The American College of Surgeons has issued a comprehensive guideline offering a set of principles and issues assisting local facilities with the resumption of elective surgical care. Hughes Plastic Surgery has strictly complied with these recommendations for our operations to resume safely.
The guideline document covers four categories:
- COVID-19 Awareness
- Preparedness
- Patient Issues
- Delivery of Safe High-Quality Care
For more information, you may access the full document here.