Butt Implants for Butt Augmentation Although the Brazilian buttlift procedure remains the most popular method of butt augmentation by far, other types of butt augmentation should be reexamined as well. Butt augmentation can be achieved with semisolid silicone butt...
New Subdermal Technique for the Brazilian Buttlift Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon, created a new, safer technique for fat injection in 2015 that has resulted in over thousands of Brazilian buttlifts performed without a single death or complication due...
The Importance of Surgical Technique in the Brazilian Buttlift Many surgeons, including board certified plastic surgeons, are continuing to inject into the muscular regions to help augment results of the buttocks. There is no question that larger, more projected...
Plastic Surgery Task Force Recommendations and Standard of Care on BBLs per ASPS The Plastic Surgery Task Force on the Brazilian buttlift advised doctors to: Stay as far away from the gluteal veins and sciatic nerve as possible. Fat should only be grafted into the...
Brazilian Buttlift with Dr. Kenneth Hughes In 2018, According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS/The Aesthetic Society), deaths and serious complications associated with the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure have resulted in an MultiSociety...