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Plastic Surgery Is Not Just about Looks and Beauty

Plastic Surgery Is Not Just about Looks and Beauty

Many members of the public view plastic surgery as a trifling subject reserved for the pretentious and vane.  The reality is that appearance and self esteem are concerns that affect us all.  The reality is, everyone’s life experience is unique, and how we feel...
Liposuction Contours Away Excess Fat to Give You a Slimmer Figure

Liposuction Contours Away Excess Fat to Give You a Slimmer Figure

Do you have fat that refuses to go away? You may be the ideal candidate for liposuction with Dr. Kenneth Hughes in Los Angeles. This is a cosmetic surgery designed to remove fat that hasn’t responded well to exercise routines and diet plans. This fat removing surgery...

Is Your Surgeon a Liposuction Expert? How Do You Know?

Plastic Surgery is the most competitive specialty in all of medicine. The residency is the hardest to gain admittance. The board certifying exams are the hardest in existence. Thus, the individuals that emerge from this in the last 2 decades are among the most...