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Upper and Lower Eyelids Article 6

Complications of Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery

Patients generally look presentable approximately 2 weeks after surgery. On occasion, prolonged edema or bruising can be an issue. Generally, these items are managed conservatively. Occasionally, Dr. Hughes may place a tarsorrhaphy stitch or Frost stitch to support the eyelid during healing.

Postoperative infections are uncommon.

The most feared complication is the retrobulbar hemorrhage. Any complaint of severe orbital pain needs to be examined immediately, especially that of sudden onset. Any significant decrease in vision with progressive proptosis is of significant worry. The treatment of this problem involves release of sutures and release of the lateral canthus to relieve pressure. The eye should be explored in the operating room to determine if any vessels continue to bleed.

Lid malposition or ectropion (retraction with eversion of eyelid) can occur following lower eyelid surgery due to a variety of issues, both technical and healing dependent. Conservative treatment and eye lubrication are utilized first.

Dry eyes can be a problem after upper and lower eyelid surgery, but the vast majority resolve without intervention. Artificial tears can be used as a temporizing measure.