Male Tummy Tuck
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon, performs tummy tuck for females, but many males are very good candidates for a male tummy tuck. Many people may think that women are the only ones getting a tummy tuck. This is simply not the case. Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs tummy tucks on males as well. Some males may have loose skin from weight loss or have bad scars that need to be removed with a tummy tuck.
expert plastic surgeon in los angeles and beverly hills
Dr. Hughes has extensive experience in tummy tuck (abdominoplasty surgery). Dr. Hughes can perform short-scar tummy tucks and mini tummy tucks on a majority of patients. He frequently combines liposuction with tummy tuck in the appropriate candidates.
Dr. Kenneth Hughes has performed hundreds of tummy tucks, and he can perform these procedures in about 2 hours, which means less time under general anesthesia, fewer complications, and a faster, better recovery. Dr. Hughes will remove the loose skin and fat, tighten your abdominal muscles, and give you a new, more attractive belly button and have you back to work, in many cases, in just one week.
additional considerations in the male tummy tuck or males who have skin laxity or a fatty stomach
While the tummy tuck is certainly effective in its removal of tissue and correcting issues of skin laxity and size, the scar produced is often objectionable to many patients. Dr. Kenneth Hughes in Los Angeles has extensive experience and amazing successes with the Bodytite technology to avoid the longer scars associated with tummy tucks as well as other excisional procedures such as arm lifts, and thigh lifts.
Bodytite can be used in conjunction with liposuction to tighten the tissues of the abdomen (tummy), arms or thighs or wherever by about 40%. These types of results will not be achievable by another technology or by another surgeon. Please look at these amazing Bodytite results. Although Bodytite will never reproduce the excisional surgical results, optimal treatment by Dr. Hughes in Los Angeles can come pretty close.
what is the cost of a male tummy tuck in los angeles?
- A male tummy tuck costs between $12000 to $18000. For larger patients or massive weight loss patients or those seeking extended tummy tucks, the cost would be greater.
Please note that pricing for a male tummy tuck may vary based on the individual needs of the patient. Dr. Kenneth Hughes operates in both Los Angeles and Beverly Hills and prices or costs for male tummy tuck may vary slightly by location.
Explore our cost and financing resource page for more information on procedure costs, payment and financing options, and surgery policies.
patient testimonial
I have interacted with many medical professionals from San Francisco to San Diego. Dr. Hughes’ work as a plastic surgeon was flawless. I could not have been happier with my results from my tummy tuck and BBL. He was personable, straight to the point and confident of his skills. Most importantly, his skills showed not only a mastery of the latest plastic surgery techniques but artistry that can’t be taught in a fellowship. In my opinion there is no better choice.
male mini tummy tuck
A mini tummy tuck involves removal of a small amount of skin and fat below the belly button and addresses only the lower portion of the abdomen. The belly button remains attached and unchanged.
This procedure applies to very few patients and is appropriate only for patients who have loose skin at the inferior aspect, or bottom, of the abdomen. If patients have loose skin above the belly button or a muscle laxity, a full tummy tuck would be more appropriate.
male extended tummy tuck
An extended tummy tuck represents a full tummy tuck with the addition of an extended incision to the sides or toward the back.
This type of extended tummy tuck will treat patients who have tremendous skin laxity on the sides or near circumferential skin laxity, most frequently observed after massive weight loss.
If the skin laxity is completely circumferential then a lower body lift may be appropriate.