Mommy Makeover
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon, has performed hundreds of mommy makeovers in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills for patients from over 30 countries and all parts of the United States. The mommy makeover consists of breast augmentation and tummy tuck in its most basic sense. The mommy makeover may also encompass any number of additional procedures including breast lift, liposuction, and the Brazilian buttlift. Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs these mommy makeover surgeries several times a week in his fully accredited surgical center with dedicated board certified anesthesiologists. Dr. Hughes performs most of these combination procedures in 4 hours or fewer, which means fewer complications and a faster recovery for his patients in Los Angeles and Beverly body contouring in los angeles and beverly hills
Dr. Kenneth Hughes will achieve your best mommy makeover result in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. Even if you have not had children, breast and body surgeries may interest you as well. Mommy makeover procedures can be very effective for those patients who have inherent skin laxity issues, age-related skin laxity, or skin laxity from weight gain and loss.
mommy makeover procedures
tummy tuck
The tummy tuck can be helpful after pregnancy or after massive weight loss. The abdomen is stretched during pregnancy, both the abdominal wall (abdominal muscles and fascia) and the skin. The skin and abdominal wall do not usually return to their pre-pregnancy state. As such, a woman may have varying degrees of loose skin and a variable amount of abdominal wall laxity.
A tummy tuck addresses both the loose skin and the lax abdominal wall as to give a nice, flat youthful contour to the abdomen. The tummy tuck also creates a more youthful belly button. Dr. Kenneth Hughes will also improve the waist to hip ratio with a tummy tuck as part of the mommy makeover in Los Angeles. This is completely different from some surgeons who will make the patient look more straight up and down. The goal is to not only make the stomach flat but the make the waist look contoured.
Do not forget that tummy tuck and is very appropriate for some men as well. Some men after weight loss can get significant improvement from not only skin removal but from abdominal wall tightening as well (usually due to the visceral fat component stretching the abdominal wall from inside the abdomen).
breast augmentation
Breast augmentation is a frequent component of the mommy makeover in Los Angeles. Some women as a result of pregnancy and pregnancy related weight gains as well as engorgement from lactation and/or breast feeding suffer a loss of breast tissue and a deflated look. Breast augmentation adds fullness to the look of the breasts and improves the deflation created by breast feeding and pregnancy. Dr. Kenneth Hughes, board certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, offers breast augmentation with saline, silicone (cohesive gel), and gummy bear (highly cohesive or form stable) implants as well as fat grafting to the breast. This is the breast augmentation portion of the mommy makeover. Dr. Kenneth Hughes offers the best breast augmentation options for you for your mommy makeover in Los Angeles.
breast lift
Breast lift may be necessary in addition to breast augmentation to adequately treat the breasts in the mommy makeover Los Angeles. For many patients, the skin of the breasts is stretched to the point that the droopiness of the breast can only be improved by tightening the skin envelope with what is known as a breast lift. A breast lift can be utilized if the areola and/or breast has fallen below the inframammary fold. Breast surgeon Dr. Hughes employs the breast lift that has the shortest scar necessary to affect the best appearing breasts. Many times smaller lifts referred to as crescent lifts or donut lifts are wholly inappropriate to correct the droopiness of the breast and areola and should not be offered as solutions. A vertical or lollipop lift as well as an inverted T or anchor lift are usually much more appropriate. The shape of the breasts is the number one factor to being happy with the breasts. Boxy breasts or vertically long breasts are to be avoided and there are technical methodologies that Dr. Hughes has developed to improve the shape of the breasts, lift them, and make them look ROUND. The breast lift is necessary in many mommy makeovers for the best overall look for the breasts.
liposuction and brazilian buttlift (bbl)
In conjunction with a mommy makeover, liposuction can be used to further reduce the size of the waist and improve contour. In Los Angeles, Dr. Kenneth Hughes frequently liposuctions fat from the sides, flanks, and back at the time of the tummy tuck to produce changes in waist size of 6 to 8 inches or more. This fat can also be used to augment the hips or the buttocks as in the Brazilian buttlift. This can further improve the hourglass figure and the overall silhouette.
labiaplasty and vaginoplasty
The mons pubis (pubic mound), the labia majora (outer lips), and the labia minora (inner lips) may all be areas that are amenable to improvement. Mons liposuction can be an important adjunct to decrease the fullness of the pubic region. The labia majora are sometimes addressed if there is an issue of deflation or the perception of bulkiness or fullness in the labia majora. The labia minora (the inner lips) are most frequently addressed due to concerns of enlargement. All of these are discussed more in the labiaplasty procedure section.
The vaginoplasty refers to a surgical procedure that involves only the vagina and not the labia. The vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the laxity within the vagina and provides for a tighter internal anatomy.
mommy makeover cost in los angeles and beverly hills, ca
Mommy makeover (breast augmentation and tummy tuck) usually costs between $20,000 and $25,000 depending upon the level of complexity.
Additional procedures such as breast lift, liposuction, and Brazilian buttlift would add additional cost to the mommy makeover. Dr. Kenneth Hughes operates in both Los Angeles and Beverly Hills and costs may differ slightly based upon location.
good candidates for mommy makeover
- Healthy
- Close to his or her ideal body weight (within 20%)
- Wishes to address lax abdominal tissue that is diet and exercise resistant
- Stable weight for at least 6 months
- Good skin tone and elasticity
- Realistic expectations
poor candidates for mommy makeover
- Significant comorbid disease
- Morbid obesity
- Unwillingness to stop smoking
- Unrealistic expectations
- Plans for future pregnancy (relative contraindication)
- Upper abdominal transverse scars (relative contraindication)
patient testimonial
“After four kids (who absolutely wrecked my body) I decided it was time to tighten things back up. I searched real self and found Dr. Kenneth Hughes. His awesome reviews led me to schedule a consultation. He was very response and interactive with my million questions and always gave thorough answers despite my feeling like I was badgering him at times. I had several procedures done at once. A tummy tuck/partial lower body lift (similar to an extended tummy tuck), an infragluteal crease lift and he replaced my breast implants. It’s been about 5 months and everything is going great. My scars are all fading and everything looks lifted back up to the pre-babies days. The unique thing about Dr. Hughes is he doesn’t just specialize in one or two procedures, he’s truly a master of all trades. I’d absolutely trust him to do work on my face as well as body. I am in need of fat transfer to my face and a few other things down the road and because I’ve developed a good doctor/patient relationship with him, and trust him, I’ll definitely be going back to him”
mommy makeover surgery day
On the day of surgery, you will arrive to the surgery center approximately one hour prior to the beginning of the surgery. The paperwork and consents will be finalized as well as additional questions answered. Vital signs will be obtained as well as additional history and physical information obtained by the nurse and anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist will meet with you to explain the anesthesia process and answer any concerns about anesthesia. The patient will meet with Dr. Hughes again to reiterate the surgical plan and to answer any additional questions or concerns.
The patient will be taken into the operating room and administered relaxing medication and be ushered off to sleep. The mommy makeover surgery itself will take from 2 to 5 hours to perform (depending upon the specific procedures to be performed), and the patient will be transferred to the recovery room upon completion. The patient will remain in recovery for 1 to 2 hours before departing from the surgery center with a responsible adult.
recovery from the mommy makeover
Many patients want to know about the recovery after their mommy makeover procedures. In most cases, patients can return to work in 2 weeks or less. Patients should not perform exercise or lift anything greater than 5 to 10 lbs for about 6 weeks. Patients should wear the compression garment for the first 6 weeks and avoid getting water or sweat into any of the incisions until the incisions are completely healed.
The main limitations and sleeping positions are dependent upon the particular procedures that the patient undergoes in the mommy makeover. Patients can have procedures done on the abdomen and the buttocks at the same time and still recover, so do not be fooled by others who say the recovery is impossible. Dr. Hughes can assure you that the recovery is very possible and he has performed these combinations hundreds of times in his surgery center in Los Angeles (serving Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Playa Vista, Culver City and Marina del Rey as well).
Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, MD will go over all of the recovery issues in a very specific fashion based upon the procedures performed. It is imperative that you follow the expert recommendations in a very precise way to assure the best possible recovery and result.
results of mommy makeover
The final results of the mommy makeover depend upon how quickly the swelling resolves and the scars heal. The swelling may take 6 months or more to resolve depending upon the types of procedures performed and individual healing characteristics. The scar maturation process may take up to 12 to 18 months before scars reach the best appearance. In fact, scars tend to get better with even more time than 18 months.
schedule your consultation for mommy makeover
Contact the office of Dr. Kenneth Hughes to schedule your consultation for a mommy makeover in Los Angeles. We will be happy to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.