Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, is an expert at fat necrosis removal in its various presentations. Fat necrosis is the death of fat that occurs usually secondary to the lack of blood supply. Without the blood supply, the fat dies and becomes calcified...
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, understands the negative consequences of smoking on plastic surgery including flap death, fat death, and wound healing issues. Dr. Kenneth Hughes of Hughes Plastic Surgery has operated on thousands of patients seeking...
Dr. Kenneth Hughes of Hughes Plastic Surgery performs several hundred butt augmentations each year in my practice comprised of both butt implant surgeries and fat transfers or Brazilian butt lifts. Dr. Kenneth B. Hughes frequently lets the patient select whatever form...
Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, sees at least 2 to 3 patients a week who have had injections of one of more foreign substances including silicone, PMMA, hydrogel, and biopolymers into the buttocks, hips, lips, face, any many other areas of the body...